Monday, May 23, 2016

Final Exam Time.

We are winding down.
However, until this week is over I still feel like I am in Racine.

Here is the document you have been waiting for.

Must do:
9b:  All Graphing.  

I will have a hard copy for you to fill out later this week.

Happy Monday everyone.  We can do this!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Guest post

Hi everyone! My name is Alexis Fredericks and I am a senior In AP English 12 this year. We have a senior project where we have to do a proof of mastery and for mine I am holding an event on May 23rd from 4-5:30pm at South in regards to animal abuse. It will be a super interesting night where we all come together and see what we can do to help abused animals. There will be food and a guest speaker. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at I hope you can make it! 

Thank you again for helping, 
Alexis Fredericks 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Improving standards

Whenever a grading period comes to a close I get the question what can I do to improve my grade?
Here is a really good opportunity.

1. Find the standard you would like to make up. Schedule below: ​

2. Sign in at the make-up session. All of the Algebra 2 teachers will be hosting different sessions.
3. Once the session is attended, students can make up the test on their own time (ie, study hall, before, after school, or lunch).
4. Grades will averaged with the prior assessment score

Please let me know if you have questions, be aware the first standard starts this Thursday morning!

Do you have any additional questions about this?