Data is often collected and analyzed to see if there is a correlation between the results. Be aware though, the sample size of many collections is often too small to really make a correlation conclusion.
That being said there are things that we can say do have positive correlation (one positive the other positive, or one negative the other negative)
- Babies age and height.
- Number of minutes working out and calories burned.
- Amount of Advil taken and amount of Ibprofen in your system.
- Number of hours worked and amount of paycheck.
- Number of days into the school year and my caffeine consumption. (Diet mountain dew, you are my weakness!)
There are things that have negative correlation. (one positive one negative, or vice versa)
- As one increases in age, their flexibility decreases.
- As the temperature decreases, the heating bills increase.
- Number of student absences increase, grades decrease.
- The faster I run, the time it takes to the finish line decreases.
Name something in your life that either has positive or negative correlation?
How will things with positive correlation graph? Negative?